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An Open Letter to President Bush From 13 Former Prisoners of Zion

bush.jpgDear Mr. President,

We are a group of people who were Prisoners of Conscience in the USSR (Russian prisoners of Zion, Russian dissidents).  Our principle of identifying with our brethren and with Israel, with justice, freedom and the battle against obvious and veiled anti-Semitism took a toll of many years of imprisonment in the Soviet Union.  However, none of us even came close to the period of imprisonment of a quarter of a century as is taking place in your country in the case of Jonathan Pollard.

We are referring to an ailing human being. If, God forbid, he passes away in prison, complex questions will remain unanswered that may damage the reputation and affect the conscience of America.  Pollard functioned in a period when the evil Soviet empire of cruelty, espionage and world subversion was at its peak.  Every clear-thinking person can ask himself: Is there any agent of this horrible and hostile power that remains in an American prison?  We all know the answer is – Nyet.

Has anyone who operated against the USA during that period on behalf of any foreign intelligence service whatsoever been punished with such severity as Pollard?  Again, we all know the answer is – Nyet.

Therefore, the question arises regarding the discrimination against Pollard.  He exposed the ominous secrets of Iraq, not of the USA, in order to save a country friendly to America (the only one democratic, bona fide and reliable friend in the Middle East – Israel).  So why is he loathed more than any true enemy?  Why is he treated in such a brutal manner?  Why and for what reason is the earsplitting injustice?  Is his Jewish origin or his devotion to Israel the cause of this treatment?  Is there really equality before the Law in the United States of America or are there people of lesser value than others?

You, Mr. President, have the power now to correct this injustice, but only as long as two flames remain: the flame of the life of Jonathan Pollard and the flame of your term of office.  You have the opportunity to pardon Pollard and enter the history books as the one who removed this dark stain on the conscience of your country.  This is an act of benevolence of the highest order, appropriate for the President of the world power, who supposedly stands for the struggle against world malice.  We call upon you to respond in a positive manner to the call of the conscience of freedom-loving peoples everywhere.

Sincerely yours,

Ida Nudel  

Yosef Mendelovich                 

Ruald Zelichonick       

Lasalle Kaminski

Lazar Leoverski          

Aryeh Vudka

Silva Zalmanson              

Anatoly Altman           

Kim Friedman

Ephraim Cholmianski       

Dovid Maayan             

Baruch Shilkrut

Aharon Spielberg

3 Responses

  1. There is no logical reason why this man is still in jail. There still is some Anti Semitic sentiments in the judiciary.

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