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Storobin: Democrats Using Zimmerman Case To Gain Votes By Promoting Hatred

Weighing in on the Zimmerman acquittal, former Senator and Republican and Conservative candidate for the 48th City Council District, David Storobin slammed the Democrats for using the court’s decision to gain votes by promoting racial hatred.

“I abhor the conduct of the Democratic Party politicians who are fanning the flames of race-baiting in the George Zimmerman case,” Mr. Storobin wrote in an Op-Ed on NYC Elects.

“The man has been found Not Guilty. That’s the difference between the US and the Soviet Union – a jury independent of the politicians, a defendant who has real rights. No, dear liberals, nobody cares what you think. You did not hear the full extent of the evidence, only a few clips from whatever side you chose to hear it from. Your conduct in condemning the jury and assigning to these people the worst qualities, including racism, is shameful.”

“Let me make it very clear: The Democratic Party is trying to score political points by getting their base excited using language that can only divide our communities. There is no other reason for the shameful, abhorrent conduct of all the liberals in the media and in politics. The verdict is not guilty. Liberals, stop dividing us to win elections!’

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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