Reply To: Democrats/Libs

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I, like your claim, would also like to see strict checks. However id like them to be lifestyle checks rather than “background “checks.
As I said, guns don’t kill. ( Neither do bombs . Correct. )
Inanimate objects do nothing on their own.
Humans effect the activity.
People who spend the majority of their time watching videos that glorify murder and mayhem, spend time playing games glorifying the same, or spend their time surfing websites advocating maps mayhem, do not belong owning guns.
Unfortunately, that will never happen, as those are “protected lifestyle choices ”
Somehow that nebulous right is sacrosanct.
But restricting guns won’t really accomplish much.
Remember law enforcement needs to get it right 100% for these to be no mass murders. The mass murderer only needs to get it once.
The odds are always stacked against law enforcement.
Someone intent on killing will figure it out.
Will it stop some?
Will it stop all?
Not unless it’s coupled with confiscation of all guns currently in circulation.