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Israeli Politicians Preparing for Political Earthquake

Behind the scenes, politicians are preparing for a political earthquake, expecting the lifting of the gag order on the police investigation against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert may plunge the nation into election mode.

For Shas, the reality will be a difficult one since most believe if Ehud Olmert is compelled to step down in response to a criminal indictment; the most natural successor would be Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. A female prime minister is not the Sephardi chareidi political party’s first choice, especially one who is politically liberal. In addition, religion and old-world tradition are not part-and-parcel of her political mantra.

That said, a more distasteful scenario for Shas would be the return of Binyamin Netanyahu, who for Shas leader Eli Yishai is remembered for his capitalistic economic views and the blow he delivered to large and less fortunate families, all but eliminating monthly child allowance payments and funding for yeshivas.

While one cannot predict with certainty just what response an indictment against the prime minister will have, it is certain that such a bombshell will rock the political arena to its core and an internal power struggle will immediately result as the major players begin jockeying for position ahead of national elections.

Unfortunately, decisions made by the individual parties rarely if ever has anything to do with the national good, but more accurately, their actions reflect each party’s political agenda and ambitions.

Meanwhile, Agudat Yisrael MK Yaakov Litzman announced that this week, in the shadow of the ongoing investigation against the prime minister, he was offered the post of chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee as the prime minister continues efforts to strengthen and maintain his coalition.

Litzman, like most others, believes the lifting of the court imposed gag order will result in the collapse of the coalition, and he does not intend to join the current coalition framework just yet.

When asked if his party will support the motion by Likud MK Silvan Shalom to dissolve the coalition, Litzman stated that while he has not yet discussed it with them, he cannot imagine that they will not support such a move, adding there is no reason for the current coalition to continue existing. He stated the current government does not support the poor, the yeshivas are bankrupt, building in Betar Illit is halted, and there is talk regarding the possible division of Yerushalayim.

When asked after all if there is any way Agudah would join the coalition, he responded that the rabbanim make these decisions – much can happen and for now, we must wait and see how events develop.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. If the Gov’t falls and the coalition is dissolved Shas will join forces with meretz in order to shore up the declining position of both parties. The new merger will be called “sheretz.”

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