Reply To: Gourmet Glatt moving to Baltimore

Home Forums Local & Neighborhood Issues Gourmet Glatt moving to Baltimore Reply To: Gourmet Glatt moving to Baltimore


Joseph-Gourmet Glatt in Lakewood is very possibly the country’s busiest Kosher store(or Evergreen in Monsey).
Uncle Ben-From Reisterstown down Smith for close to 3 miles past Bais Yaakov is now Jewishincluding most side streets. Greenspring until I-95 is Jewish including most of the side streets besides for some of Quarry Beazer.The Willowglen, Pickwick, Ranchleigh, Cross Country, and Cheswolde are Jewish. Increasingly toward Beth Tfiloh and Old Court Crossing by Beazer are Jewish. So probably over half of the Jewish population resides closer to the Shoppers location. Also the more toward and into the county you go the average income goes up. A great deal of these people have moved here in the past 5 years and don’t have the loyalty to Seven Mile the previous generation had, and they would go to an all kosher supermarket closer to them.
Dr. E-Shoppers is dealing with each store separately and not selling them all at once. Around a quarter of the people in the store even now are Jewish and unless they are shopping for pepperoni or pork there isn’t much of a reason that they wouldn’t keep on shopping at the same location, unless a GG would jack up the prices a lot compared to what shoppers prices are now(not too great). And in generalthe more stores a chain has the better of they do as long as they don’t make crazy decisions