Reply To: Nashim Da'atan Kalos and Women Today

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Non Political, I totally agree with you especially with what you said “Whether or not Agadata dictates Halacha they are part of our Heilig Torah and we have an obligation to understand them in line with the intent of the Ba’alei Mesorah. Something being an Agadeta is not a license to disregard it or to interpet it as one sees fit.”

That is why it’s so important to bring Rabbinical sources to support our views. But sometimes we have interesting opinions like yours about Devorah Hanoviah that you have no Rabbinical sources, that is only your viewpoint which but it has logical merit. You can say our views should be based on the intent of the baalei mesorah…that is the point that I’m trying to make. Trying to bring only sources that seem to paint women in a negative or inferior light is not what our Rabbis are trying to say as they also point to the chashivas of women as well. What they are saying is people, as men and women and as individuals we have our strengths and weakness.