VIDEO & PHOTOS: Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat Fires Historic Cannon Marking the End of Ramadan


As the sunset marking the end of the month-long Muslim Ramadan festival approached over the A Sa’ira Cemetery, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat was honored with the firing of the historic cannon that marks the end of the fast by the Haj Yahya Sandouk family, who have been responsible for the tradition for the past 120 years. Following the firing of the cannon, Barkat expressed his ‘Ramadan Kareem’ wishes on behalf of the residents of the city, “We respect each others religions, each others holidays, and fasts.”

Credits: Kuvien Images –

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. I may be totally wrong about this…but, I thought that Ramadan is just beginning…Could it be that they fired the canon after the FIRST day I’d Ramadan?

  2. It’s actually the beginning of Ramadan. Presumably the cannon gets fired every evening to let Muslims know that they can eat.

  3. Each day is a daytime fast and the cannon signals the end of the day’s fast. The fast for an entire month, dawn to dusk and since they don’t add a months as we do the month of fasting can occur in the summer or winter.

  4. When will he celebrate the faith of the Jews like the beginning shmiras shabos and make sure that there is no chilul shabos in Jerusalem?

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