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Kiryas Joel: $3M Grant for Women’s Health Center Gets Approval

A state board has approved a $3 million grant for a women’s health center that’s almost triple the predicted cost, today’s Times Herald Record reports.

The cost, almost all paid for with state and federal grants, has ballooned to $11.4 million since Kiryas Joel officials outlined plans for a $4 million, 50,000-square-foot center that would offer women a multitude of health-related services, including convalescent care after giving birth.

Village Administrator Gedalye Szegedin played down the cost escalation, saying the original price tag was a rough calculation the village used before delving into design and engineering details.

3 Responses

  1. To #1. A projects total cost (so far) is 285% of projected cost. Almost 200% over budget. Not only that, but over a quarter of the total cost — $3 million (additional?) — is coming from the state – meaning everyone in NY is affected. And you think only anti-semites should have a problem with that?

  2. To #2

    I forgot to mention that some self-hating Jews will take issue with it as well.

    As usual those oiber-chachomin who think they know everything because they’ve recently discovered the internet, will have something negative to say as well.

    One question though. Do you have any idea how much waste goes on in a County budget?

    Answer: NO. If you even had a clue as to how much money is wasted for projects far less important than this you would’ve sat quiet.

    Almost every second project sponsored by the state or county government ends up being twice (if not more) than the original proposal. It’s called government math.

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