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Are you just trying to throw arguments about the RCT and confuse people or you really thought that an RCT has been done in Finland.

the finland study was a 3 week study (for the first 3 weeks the first of the twin got a vaccine and hte other a placebo (don’t know yet, what the placebo was) and by 3 weeks they changed it . that the one that got th eplacebo got now the vaccine and the one that got the vaccine now got the placebo.

this is what you call a long term RCT ?

can you explain to me why you feel that vaccines should be different than medicines? why for medicines everyone understand that you need long-term placebo study to know the risk while vaccines you can have studies that last only a few days or weeks?

let me rephrase what i have written before.

in order for 2 people that disagree to come to an agreement . we need to know

1) what we both agree on
2) what we disagree

this way we can explain to each other the points on what we disagree.

my opinon is that any medicine AND VACCINES that we know CAN cause side affects. the only way to determine the risks of the vaccine is by haveing a real Long-TERM RCT study of a REAL placebo.

This is what is required for medicine and there is no reason why vaccines should be differtent . they both can help people and save people lives and they both have side affect . And we NEED TO KNOW THE BENEFITS VS. RISKS with ABSOLUTE numbers . not wild guessing games.

Do you agree with the above statement?

if yes, where is a LONG _TERM RCT “SAFETY” study? (not 3 weeks )

please respond with real study and not throw me just studies that are not long-term or using a fake placebo…