Reply To: restaurant on first date???

Home Forums Shidduchim restaurant on first date??? Reply To: restaurant on first date???


“Nobody knows the quality of the restaurant that isn’t in the neighborhood”

What a false generalization…………….
I was born and raised in CT. We did lots of eating out in NYC, not our neighborhood.
In my dating days, Top Manhattan picks were Moshe Peking, LaDifference and Lou G. Siegel…none of these
were in the neighborhood, but we sure knew their quality.
In Brooklyn we often ate at Shang Chai, not our neighborhood,

People who dine out with regularity know the quality of restaurants outside their neighborhood. The internet has helped provide that information.

In 1972 I had an obligatory shidduch date with the niece of my 10th grade rebbi’s wife. I picked the young lady up at her home in Boro Park. She knew from her aunt that I had driven in from CT after work and that we were going out for dinner. We drove into Manhattan to the restaurant. After being seated and handed a menu she seemed confused with the process. It turns out at age 19 she had never been to a restaurant. The only time she had ever eaten outside of a home was at school or a simcha. She never had to choose a meal for herself from a variety of choices. Needless to say this was a one and done situation. She would never have fit in with my family and lifestyle.
The rebbi’s wife never bothered me again