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“Folks, the question is: Why does CDC refuse to do a VAX VS UNVAX Study?”

this has been asked and answered
It wouldnt prove anything.

and I can prove THAt to you. you claim a you want a vaxxed study vs unvaxxed. One is done and the new complaint is “but the vaxxed werent vaxxed enough”

you literally can’t make this stuff up.

Look at the rest of the drivel n your post. “This study was NOT randomized.” Yet you claim “HonestOpinion, also, there is no “ethical” problem with doing a RETROSPECTIVE study” by definition any such study isnt randomized. Only an uneducated quack who really doesnt care about his/her chidren wouldnt vaccinate today so even if their rate of autism is higher, then maybe whatever it is that caused the parents to be so brain damaged and dishonest is affecting their chidren? As you say “The Vaxxed children has Richer, Better Educated Parents so probably INHERITED higher IQ ” yes obviosuly! that is why such a study would a. not be a great study and more importantly b. not satisfy you so please please please stop repeating the same nonsense
“So the study did not look at the rate of asthma, allergies, diabetes, epilepsy etc. in the vax vs unvax.” more gibberish, we are discussing autism.

Weve been over all of this
Youve succesfully convinced everybody that you, and all pro-diseasers are not interested in the truth. No need to rehash the same old points.

What you havent answered not in that thread nor this is this “but at the very least, keep your kids out of our schools. FINE you have some weird hand up about trying to spread diseases, please help me understand why do the rest of us have to oblige this ? \”