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Israeli Tourist R”L Found Dead In Peru, Police Suspect Murder

zaka.jpgThe body of a 22-year-old Israeli tourist was R”L found dead on Sunday in the southern Peruvian city of Arequipa. A report issued by the Israeli Foreign Ministry says that local police suspect Tamar Shahak (from Bnei Brak), was R”L killed during a mugging – and was possibly strangled.

Tamar Shahak used to be an announcer for Israel’s Army Radio and a correspondent for the Walla news agency.

YWN has learned that the ZAKA and Misaskim organizations are working feverishly to have an autopsy prevented from taking place, and hope to bring her body back to Eretz Yisroel for Kevura as soon as possible.

Arequipa is located approximately 800 south of Lima the capital, and is the second largest city in the country. The area is considered a popular tourist attraction.

In January 2008, YWN had reported [HERE], that the body of 28-year-old Israeli tourist Asher Green A”H was found by a farmer in the same region – approximately two months after he had gone missing.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

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