Reply To: ICE Sweeps…It’s not just Brown and Hispanics being rounded up for deportation

Home Forums Politics ICE Sweeps…It’s not just Brown and Hispanics being rounded up for deportation Reply To: ICE Sweeps…It’s not just Brown and Hispanics being rounded up for deportation


CTLAWYER – why don’t they do the paperwork before they get busted then?
When I enter the country as an American citizen, I have to go through customs. I don’t just show up with suitcases, use someone elses Identity, and get an apartment (essentially evading the credit check). After spending 7 THOUSAND dollars per person (up to 14thousand in cases) on a bus ticket and a coyote. Who has that kind of money and claim to be broke?
How come some people pay lawyers money, and take years, and get medical exams to come to the US, and others just show up, hacking and coughing, and are treated not only the same, but better?

Last I checked, the rule of law is applied equally. No special treatment. Not understanding this is the cause of the collapse of the Bar.