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“The requirement for everyone to give Tochachah”
Thanks for opening my eyes so that I can properly fulfill this obligation! I’m going to start with you:
You are filled with hate and with jealousy of other Jews and only love yourself. You advocate violence against women and children. You are a self-admitted hypocrite and a nasty troll. You waste untold hours of your life on criticizing and hurting other Jews. The only mitzvah you pretend to care about is “Hocheiach Tochiach” but do so in the most egregiously self-serving way, thereby violating the prohibition of “V’lo Sisa Alav Chet” every time. You regularly engage in Lashon Hara and Motzei Shem Ra against entire communities of Jews you have never met. You have therefore made repentance for the countless sins you commit on a daily basis impossible. You misrepresent what little Torah knowledge you glean from the web and deliberately pervert it to cause massive Chilul Hashem. Your very existence is an embodiment of Sinas Chinam which prevents our redemption.
I am truly appreciative of this newfound understanding so I sincerely pray that your existence in this world and the next one be a mirror reflection of the way you treat Hashem’s children.