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Knesset Committee Addresses Attacks Against Chareidi Soldiers

idffnThe Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee Subcommittee on IDF Personnel on Monday, 23 Tammuz discussed the increase in attacks against chareidi IDF soldiers, known in the chareidi world as chardakim.

Committee Chairman MK (Labor) Omer Bar-Lev compared the increasing attacks to the propaganda against Jews during WWII by the Nazi regime. He explained that the vile tone used in pashkavilim against chareidi soldiers was no less detestable than the tone used against Jews by the Nazis YS”VZ.

Israel Police representative to the committee Roitel Karko explains that despite the growing number of attacks, police have only received on official complaint, which led to opening three criminal files.

MK (The Movement) Elazar Stern added “Whoever makes the lives of chareidi soldiers bitter must have the same done in return. One who attacks the government and takes advantage of the law must have his life disrupted for if we do not succeed in dealing with this we will not succeed in drafting chareidim.”

Chareidi soldier Elchanan Fruman explained “the moment one goes to police the situation worsens. Today it is much harder to enter the IDF for the rabbonim are no longer supportive. Today I would not enlist as I did. The state must impose sanctions against mosdos that do not accept IDF veterans.”

Bar-Lev expressed his concerns along with his pessimistic outlook, for he believes that the attacks will not stop in the near future.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. What does a traitor who voluntarily enlists in an army that wishes to forcibly take us away from our gemoras expect to be treated like? Cake and candy?

  2. When they joined the army, either out of patriotism or for economic reasons, it was respectable to do so. Then the government started the war against the hareidim, and they suddenly found they were wearing the enemy’s uniform. They will have to choose between giving up their military careers, or giving up on Torah – a choice they didn’t have to make in the past.

  3. oh, i see, only chareidim can be compared to the nazis yms, ok so the chareidim can compare the chilonim to stalin and the communist movement who drafted people so theyll lose their yiddishkeit

  4. Interesting. I thought the Knesset passed a law a few months back that it was forbidden to call other Jews – Nazis…
    I don’t find a link to that article on YWN though!

    Moderators Response: Use the search box, Rabbi Yoni. You have plenty of time on your hands it seems to do this.

  5. Hey Zalman,
    I don’t know whether you live in Eretz Yisrael — but as it stands today, a Chareidi man who wants to work is required by law to enlist in the IDF. Are you saying that Chareidi men must learn in kollel the rest of their lives to avoid the draft? It is disgusting that any Jew — particularly those who defend us so we could learn in peace–be chastised simply because he is wearing a uniform. Try doing that a U.S. marine and I could guarantee that you’ll get shot!

  6. The recent push to “share the burden” has actually decreased the likelihood of Chareidim joining the IDF. In the past 10 years Chareidi enlistment has been steadily increasing, and it was slowly becoming more acceptable. But now the line has been drawn and everyone feels they must pick sides.

    BTW this push also managed to give the Eidah Hachareidis its first show of influence in decades. For years now they have been a non-factor outside the world of Kashrus and a narrow local following. Now they managed to sponsor a rally with huge turnout, as the draft proposals are affecting everyone.

  7. Moderator – have I done something to offend you? All I displayed was that I am an avid reader of YWN and recall other articles that were posted here. Being hurtful or mocking someone is not only a bad way to keep people on your site, but is an extreme lack of Derech Eretz and Mentchlichkeit.

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