Reply To: A Study in Trolls: Updated

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Ubiq: You’re grasping on straws here. I also once posted that I prefer chicken cooked rather than fried. I’m surprised you haven’t yet used that as another proof that the mainstream view among Rebbeim in Litvish yeshivos isn’t always like me, since there’s no consensus on how to consume a chicken. Or that since I posted in 2016 that I voted for Ted Cruz in the presidential primaries, surely you’ll use that as further proof since that wasn’t necessarily the mainstream view among Rebbeim in Litvish yeshivos on who to vote for.

What’s this harping of yours about women’s suffrage? That’s my political opinion, not necessarily halachic opinion. In any event nitpicking on this individual view or that individual view that I posted in no way, shape or form disputes what Yeshivishrockstar pointed out. (And note that Yeshivishrockstar admits to himself being more liberal on Jewish/religious issues, yet nevertheless makes this observation.) That there are many mainstream rebbeim, rabbonim and members of the hamon hoam who overall and generally agree with my entire worldview and hashkafos. Even if you can cite a small number of exceptions that don’t have a widespread consensus.