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Agudath Israel, the OU, and ADL Statements on Jewish Calls for Olympics Boycott

agudah11.jpgTHE AGUDAH STATEMENT: In response to calls from within the Jewish community to boycott the Beijing 2008 Olympics, Agudath Israel issued the following statement today:

A number of American Jewish leaders have publicly called upon Jews to boycott the Beijing 2008 Olympics Games.

We at Agudath Israel of America understand the motivation behind the effort.  We too are deeply concerned about reports of human rights violations in China.  We believe, however, that it is presumptuous, and perhaps even counterproductive, for a group of private citizens to urge a boycott of the Beijing Olympics – and to direct their appeal specifically at members of the Jewish community.

The Jewish leaders’ call for a boycott includes language that may be seen as suggesting some moral equation between the 1936 Olympics in Berlin and the 2008 Olympics in China.  In Agudath Israel’s view, any such comparison is entirely misplaced.  The differences between the Nazi government and the Chinese government are not mere differences of degree; they are fundamental differences of kind.  For Jewish leaders, of all people, to mention the two in the same breath is highly inappropriate.

We further note that Jews escaping the horrors of the Holocaust found refuge in China during the Nazi era; and that China currently interacts in a number of positive ways with both the United States and Israel.  None of this excuses China’s reported shortcomings on the human rights front, but the fuller historical and contemporary record by which China may be judged should have given the boycott promoters pause before issuing their public statement.

ou.jpgOU STATEMENT: The following statement was issued today by Mr. Stephen Savitsky, president, and Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, executive vice president, of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America (aka: the “Orthodox Union”) – the largest Orthodox Jewish umbrella organization in the United States – in response to a call by a number of rabbinic and other leaders of the American Jewish community for Jews to refrain from attending the Olympics in Beijing, China:

The Orthodox Union respectfully disagrees with those who have called upon Jews to boycott the Olympics in Beijing, China. While we share deep concern over China’s record of disrespect for human rights, we do not concur with the selection of this tactic to attempt to protest or influence China’s behavior.

Jewish law indeed teaches that the preservation and saving of human lives is of paramount value. But Jewish law cautions that we must act with exceptional care lest we cause more harm than good. The leadership of the Orthodox Union believes such exceptional care is demanded in these circumstances with regard to relations with the Chinese government.
adl1.jpgTHE ADL STATEMENT: The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) yesterday issued the following statement in response to calls for the Jewish community to boycott the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games:

The Anti-Defamation League does not support a boycott of the Beijing Olympic Games.  While there is no doubt that China has an extremely poor human rights record and that its actions in Tibet and Sudan are to be condemned, we believe that asking the Jewish community to engage in a boycott of the games could be counterproductive and would not produce any tangible result.

In calling for a boycott, some have drawn parallels with the Berlin Olympic Games of 1936.  We believe that these comparisons are inappropriate.  China is a complicated society that is changing and opening up in many ways, and one simply cannot equate the Beijing Olympics with those games in Nazi Germany on the eve of the Holocaust.

We believe that individuals are free to make their own decisions about whether or not they should attend the Summer Olympic Games in China.

14 Responses

  1. All true, but these organizations are missing a very fundamental point. The Olympics are full of pritzus. Pritzus defines the Olympics. And Aguda should not be legitimizing any concept of participation in the Olympics ANYWHERE.

    A Jew does not belong at the Olmpics anywhere – China or not.

  2. Why is it our concern how many of the yevonim get involved or boycott the activities of the misyavnim?

    It seems to me to be quite unusual for Agudah to get involved in an issue that doesn’t involve the Jewish community or a moral standard in this country. I seem to remember those being the standards that the Moetzes set for what Agudah deals with. I guess the horizons are being broadened. I wonder if this comes from the askonim or the ‘higher-ups’.

  3. They all agree and make some good points.

    There is definately no comparison to 1936 this isnt a religion based oppression.

    Shanghai though in China was under Japanese rule during WWII.

  4. while i am happy to see agudahs call for jews to stay out of the civil rights issues in china i am upset (but not surprised ) to see that the reasons are political and not daas torah .
    they state “that China currently interacts in a number of positive ways with both the United States and Israel”. basically agudah is saying that if indeed china was anti israel then a jewish backed boycot would be in order . as rabbi weissmandle a”h and many others (especially holocaust victums ) boycots serve to enrage the goyim against us . the jewish backed boycott enraged hitler and helped him “proove” a jewish world power conspiracy . as we know nebach, he got the last laugh . now again there are jewish calls of boycott against iran . may i remind these organizations that are defending jewish ,that 25,000 dear jews live in iran . may i remind them that israel is only “a missle through “away . i hope that at least agudah will look back to rabbi wassermans and othe gedolims warnings of the dangers of nationalism and acting “though” with the nations of the world . we must remain humble and be accept the “yoke” of golus. and only hashem can and will save us all ..

  5. The statements went on to say: “On the other hand, if you want to skip the Olympics because they’re stupid, that’s fine.”

  6. Jews are said to have led the Civil Rights Movement in America (except perhaps by those who would fire a Harvard professor from teaching a class on Civil Rights on account of his being Jewish rather than black).

    And saying so does not equate USA before then to nazi germany. I am confused by the Agudath’s statement here that the concluding words ignore the doubt in the earlier words about whether there was a specific connection being made.

    However recognizing Jews’ leadership in matters of morality, it is reasonable that if there is a moral issue with China, that Jews would encourage other Jews to not patronize the event.

    That the whole Olympics mentality may be a form of idolatry and worshiping of values of bodily beauty (particularly when they were nude) which we understand may be the way of Yafes, is a further reason why it may be more incumbant upon Jews to distance ourselves from this particular event.

    So for all these reasons I find this article confusing.

    But since the Agudath and the OU must surely be aware of these issues, I must be wrong to think that they are applicable. I haven’t seen the initial call from Jewish leaders, whoever they may be.

  7. Most likely it comes down to assuring that neither the Chinese government or Chinese nationalism prevents the production of kosher certified food.

  8. I wonder which of todays “Gedolim” encouraged the Agudah to put this out. Or maybe these days they don’t bother asking anymore.

  9. To joseph
    If the issue is PRITZUS is the same with any sports how about in YANKEE stadium is not pritzus ?

  10. harrys – I have no idea. I don’t go to professional sports games, baseball or otherwise.

    If it does, then it too is wrong. But somehow I doubt that baseball can come close to the pure pritzus of the Olympics, where the entire thing is based on pure pritzus — not just the spectators.

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