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July 4: Fireworks Are Illegal & Dangerous

fwoWith Independence Day right around the corner, The Firemen’s Association of the State of New York (FASNY) reminds residents that fireworks are illegal to own or use by anyone other than licensed professionals in New York State. FASNY also urges families to learn more about the harm that fireworks can cause to people and property.

“Leave the fireworks to the professionals and attend a locally-sponsored display in your neighborhood,” said FASNY President Jim Burns. “Attending public fireworks displays is the safest way to celebrate the Fourth of July.”

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), thousands of people are injured while using consumer fireworks every July 4 holiday. The risk of fireworks injury is two-and-a-half times as high for children ages 10–14 as for the general population.

It’s also important to note that even sparklers can be very dangerous. The tip of a sparkler burns at a temperature of more than 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough to cause third-degree burns.

Always make sure to follow these safety tips:
· The safest and best way to avoid injury is to view fireworks displays by trained professionals.
· Obey and respect any and all public safety barriers set up around the site of a professional fireworks show.
· Resist the temptation to get close to the firing site. Often, the best view of a professional display is from a quarter of a mile or more away.
· Leave your pets at home – the loud noise can scare animals and damage their hearing
· Do not possess or shoot off fireworks on your own. Besides risking injury to yourself and the crowd watching the demonstration, you will be breaking the law.
· Do not pick up or attempt to re-light used fireworks – they may still be active and cause serious burns or injury.

(YWN Catskills Newsroom)

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