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MOVING FOOTAGE: Bahrain’s Only Shul Comes To Life WIth Minyan Joined By Jason Greenblatt

A rare Minyan was held this morning in the only Shul in Bahrain. The reason: A group of Jews who were in Bahrain for the Peace conference, including Jason Greenblatt, US President Donald Trump’s special adviser for Middle East peace.

At the end of Davening, the Minyan danced around the Bima singing “Am Yisrael Chai” – the people of Israel live.

“A special opportunity to daven(pray) this morning with a minyan(quorum) in a synagogue in Bahrain,” Greenblatt tweeted. “Great way to start today. I was asked what I prayed for – two things: my family, who I miss deeply and of course for peace.”

“This is an example of the future we can all build together,” he added.

The MInyan was arranged by Times of Israel correspondent Raphael Ahren and attended by Rabbi Marc Schneier, David Makovsky, Rabbi Marvin Hier, NYT Jerusalem bureau chief David Halbfinger, as well as a few Israeli businessmen and reporters.

The synagogue, located on Manama’s Sasaah Avenue, was renovated in 1997 and counts 34 members in its community.


3 Responses

  1. B”H, these incredible efforts by Kushner and Greenblatt will move the ball forward towards providing the economic framework for Palestinian autonomy and limited self-rule but I wonder how a peace processs managed by Kushner, Greenblatt and Ambassador Friedman can be perceived as even-handed by the Palestinians and key Arab stakeholders? While the religious beliefs of the negotiators should be irrelevant, seeing Greenblatt in shul dancing to “Am Yisroel Chai” may raise obvious issues of equity an fairness.

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