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NYC To Install 20 Speed Cameras Near Schools

spcaState lawmakers have voted to allow New York City to install 20 speed cameras, all of which will go up near schools.

The initial 20 cameras will be set up near schools where speeding in a problem. The city has identified 100 such locations.

“The cameras are mobile, so we’ll be able to move them around and address high-speed locations that may change over time. And, again, expand the area that we’re able to cover,” said City Department of Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan. “Any school with excessive speeding is fair game.”

The first round of cameras will be installed near schools where it’s been documented that at least 75 percent of drivers broke the speed limit, the city announced.

Drivers caught by the cameras going at least 10 miles per hour above the speed limit will be subject to a fine of $50.

The 20 cameras across all five boroughs will be the city’s first speed cameras. The city already has red light cameras installed at a number of intersections.According to the city, traffic fatalities have dropped by 30 percent over the past decade. The traffic fatality rate is half that of other major cities, according to city figures.

(Source: WCBSTV)

4 Responses

  1. Baruch Hashem. IY”H this will cause drivers to slow down since they know the cameras will catch them even if no cops are around.

    If it even saves one life (or injury) in 10 years, it is well worth all the cameras.

  2. Excellent idea. Warning signs should be set up to allow for gradual slowing down. Otherwise you’ll have sudden slamming-on-the-brakes which may cause additional accidents.

  3. In Boro Park the problem near the schools is double parking and passing stopped school busses. It’s impossible to speed in Boro Park from 8am -7pm.

  4. To #3:

    Exactly. Same in Flatbush.

    The problem is, just like red light camera’s & Muni meters, this is just another money grab by the City on the backs of the hard working, tax paying, citizens. Once installed they will never be removed. Tickets will be given weekends, holidays & at 2, 3 in the morning as well. As with every other money grab scheme in this City, you are Guilty untill proven innocent, which of course the camera is always right. You can’t bring the camera to court to ask it questions. Even if you could prove that the situation allowed you to do what you did, you have to take off from work to go to court.
    My point is, a camera can not take the place of a human eye by a police officer or a transit cop that is on the scene. Camera’s are there to fill the City’s coffers, NOT FOR SAFETY!

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