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“You may think that it is lifnim mishurat hadin but that is because you are an American and assume that really everyone speaks English.”:

No, its because I’m not so sensitive that I have to understand EVERY word that is said amongst themselves. I am mature enough to let them speak among themselves in their own language that they are more comfortable in.

“I could not understand how they knew.”
I guess maybe they could tell from the way you look? (look at your last sentence)

“Perhaps a few Yiddish and Hebrew speeches are ok.”

huuray! so we agree shalom Al yisroel
now we just need to convince Ct rebbe that #chasidishearsmatter

“With all due respect to R’ Yoel of Satmar, he is not the final word on the status of Hebrew. He is entitled to his da’at but it is not binding on all Jews.”
Oh obviously, few if any agree wit hhim on this. But even fewer would say that ““”It’s [ie speaking Hebrew] the most basic thing in being a Jew”