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YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 4/29/08

yw_israel39.jpg(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel / 11:30PM IL)


*IDF Chief of Intelligence Major-General Amos Yadlin warns of a planned major “qualitative terror attack” on Independence Day. He warned, among other things that Hamas may attempt to break the Gaza blockade.

*Kassam rocket and mortar shell attacks reported in the Greater Sderot Area all day. Injuries and property damage have been reported.

*DM Ehud Barak stated on Tuesday a truce is not possible at this time with the sharp increase of rocket attacks into Gaza.

*ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) arrests a suspected gun dealer in Ramallah on Tuesday.

*Firebomb attacks reported in the Chevron district on Tuesday afternoon. No injuries.


*Terrorist factions met in Egypt today to discuss Egyptian initiative for Gaza truce.

*IDF Chief of Staff Ashkenazi leading March of the Living group to death camps.

*Thunder storms were reported in the eastern Negev region on Tuesday afternoon. A flash flood warning was issued.

*UN officials in southern Lebanon denying Israeli allegations that they are turning a blind eye to Hizbullah violations of Resolution 1701.

*PA gas company reports Hamas has stolen at least 60,000 liters (15,000 gallons) of fuel from Nachal Oz fuel depot.

*Histadrut National Labor Federation Chief Ofir Eini announced Tuesday that workers will be negatively impacted if Binyamin Netanyahu is elected as the next prime minister.

*Pesach visitors left 70 tons of trash along the Kinneret and northern areas.

*Seeking to renew ties, FM Tzipi Livni scheduled to meet in UK on Friday with Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit.

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