Reply To: Wearing a טלית once married

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Wearing a טלית once married Reply To: Wearing a טלית once married


Laskern: Wearing it as a scarf is a mistake according to all minhagim. Since it is only around the neck, it cannot be considered wearing it around the body. The machlokess minhagim is whether it should be wrapped around the body, with the tzitzis coming over the hands, or pulled back over the shoulders, which means that it doesn’t cover the sides of the body. In addition, the long part of the talis is not being worn around the body, only the wide, shorter part. As for the opinion of the Itur that there should be two tzitzis in front and two at the back, possible based on the Midrash that you reference, they have a way to reconcile that as well. For a scholarly treatment of the sources for the minhagim google nosachteiman and/or נהבג תמן בעטיפת טלית