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Bennett: The Idea of Establishing a Palestinian State in Our Country is Over

bennSpeaking to a Yesha Council assembly Economics Minister Naftali Bennett, who heads the Bayit Yehudi party, stated the idea of a Palestinian state established in Israel has reached a dead end. “Never in the history of Israel have so many people with so much energy busied themselves with something so pointless. We must now decide how to manage affairs from here on, when this concept is behind us.”

Bennett adds that “We must now move from a situation from how we convince others that this is not a good idea to signaling this is now behind us. Anyone who walks in Yehuda and Shomron is aware that what is said in the corridors of Annapolis and Oslo is detached from reality.”

The minister explains that today, with 400,000 residents in Yehuda and Shomron and an additional 250,000 in eastern Yerushalayim, over 10% of the nation lives behind what is referred to as the Green Line. The idea of establishing a Palestinian state in our country is over”.

“The most important thing to do in Eretz Yisrael is to build, to build and to build. There must be an Israeli presence everywhere. Our problem is that our leaders are yet unwilling to simply say Eretz Yisrael belongs to Am Yisrael.”

Bennett speaks of the Biblical right dating back 3,000 years, and feels “the best way to defeat us is to have us forget the sense of justice. It is historically and legally correct – there has never been a Palestinian state here and we have never been occupiers. This is our home, we live here, we don’t occupy.”

Deputy Foreign Minister Ze’ev Elkin attended the forum as well, warning that “We must be careful not to become complacent and not to believe nothing will happen here.” He warns against believing nothing bad can occur, stating “for if we permit ourselves to become complacent one day we may awaken to a painful reality, such as the disengagement.”

Elkin focuses on the need for Israel to vastly improve its image in the international community by investing more in public relations, which he feels today, is sorely lacking. He admits Israel’s image in the global arena today is not a good one.

Bennett’s remarks were met with much condemnation, including Environmental Affairs Minister (The Movement) Amir Peretz, who insists a Palestinian state is in Israel’s interests for it is the only thing that will prevent a binational state in Israel.

Also condemning Bennett is Minister of Science (Yesh Atid) Yaakov Peri, stating ‘these kind of remarks sabotage peace efforts and damage attempts to build economic bridges and compromise confidence building measures between Israel and the PA (Palestinian Authority).”

MK (Labor) Eitan Cabel joined in, stating the comments heard from Bennett “represent the tip of the icebergs”, warning against a coalition with people like him and Danny Danon. Cabel adds that Finance Minister Yair Lapid must decide if he wishes to partner with people like Bennett “or opt for the sane. We cannot permit the second largest political party in the coalition to avoid taking a position on such a key issue, one that impacts the future of the State of Israel.”

Kadima MK Shaul Mofaz called Bennett’s statement “irresponsible.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. So what happens when the annex the Palestinians, and therefore allow them to vote. And remember, the zionists have declared war the Hareidim, meaning that the Hareidim will be quite happy to ally with their fellow anti-zionists–meaning that a one state solution almost immediately results in an anti-zionist majority in the kenesset.

  2. Akuperma, are really Jewish? Or are you an Arab agent provacateur?
    Your anti-Israel rants would do any Iranian Ayatollah proud.

  3. It’s about time someone in that insane government actually said something true and rational. There should not be two states. E”Y belongs to the Jews. ONLY. And the Arabs should NEVER be allowed to vote!

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