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Bnei Brak Talmid Goes into Respiratory Arrest

ichud.thumbnailA yeshiva student reported to be 15-years-old went into respiratory arrest in a yeshiva on Bnei Brak’s Rav Tarfon Street on Thursday morning, 5 Tammuz 5773, Ichud Hatzalah reports.

Ichud’s Bnei Brak commander, Effie Feldman, reports that the student fell unconscious due to an apparent obstructed airway. It appears he choked on something. He was transported to Schneider Children’s Hospital in a Magen David Adom paramedic ambulance.

The tzibur is urged to daven for דוד אורי בן איטה פערל.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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