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In the very next paragraph in Orchos Yosher chapter 5, Rav Chaim Kanievsky writes: “Targum Yonasan states that one who does this transgresses the prohibition of “A man shall not wear a woman’s dress,” which includes even cutting the beard using scissors. Sefer HaChinuch states the same, adding that one also transgresses the prohibition of “You shall not follow their [non-Jewish] rules.” This is quoted by the Chofetz Chaim in his Sefer HaMitzvos HaKotzer (Prohibition 177).” He continues to quote the Chofetz Chaim, Chazon Ish, his father the Steipler Gaon and Rav Shach who all ruled that all shaving machines are the halachic equivalent of a razor and therefore a shaver should not be given to a Jew who shaves with a razor to use instead of the razor. Regarding trimming, Rav Chaim Kanievsky quotes the Chofetz Chaim in Tiferes Odom chapter 1 who wrote: “It is a it is a great mitzvah for the entire Jewish people to reinforce this observance and refrain from trimming the beard even with scissors.”
By the way, the “self published” book advertised here includes the Hebrew essay it was based on with a facsimle of Rav Chaim Kanievsky’s hand-written endorsement in which he wrote “Yafa Kasavta” – “You have written well.”