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Mofaz: Syria Must Decide to Abandon the Axis of Evil

mofaz.jpgDeputy Prime Minister & Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz, who met in Washington with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, stated Syria’s overtures towards peace are not adequate and Damascus must decide to abandon the “axis of evil” and move towards a more pro-Western policy.

Mofaz pointed out that Syria is committed to assisting terrorists including Hizbullah, Iran and Hamas, and until President Bashar al-Assad backs up his words with actions, there cannot be any significant progress in peace talks with Yerushalayim.

“The ball is in Syria’s court,” stated Mofaz, a former IDF chief of staff, explaining Israel’s hand is extended towards peace but Syria must now take the next step.

Mofaz will be discussing a number of issues with Dr. Rice, including the failed  implementation of the Second Lebanon War Ceasefire Resolution 1701, citing the growing Hizbullah presence along Israel’s border with southern Lebanon.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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