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A Solution May Have Been Found For Draft Law Crisis & The Chareidi Parties

One of the central issues at the center of the coalition negotiations between the chareidi factions and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is the draft law of the Yisrael Beiteinu MK Avigdor Liberman, who announced that he will not allow changes to the law submitted by the Defense Ministry.

According to a report by journalist Yaki Admaker in Walla, the Likud found a compromise on the issue and even submitted it to members of the chareidi faction’s negotiating team earlier this week.

According to the report, the next coalition will advance the law formulated by the Defense Ministry and approved by the previous Knesset in its first reading, but will include a clause allowing the government to change the chareidi recruitment targets in the future.

Another important change in the agreement is a clause that will appear in the coalition agreement with the chareidi parties, in which it will be written that the government will act in the spirit of a Jewish state policy according to which a person will not enter prison for Torah study.

So far, it has not been decided how to soften the opposition of the chareidim to the rule that if they fail to meet the recruitment targets for three years, the law that exempts yeshiva students from military service will be finally dismantled.

In addition, the coalition’s solution to overcome the legal obstacle is to promote the passage of the Knesset’s new law, which allows the Knesset to re-enact laws that were rejected by the High Court of Justice.

MK Yair Lapid attacked the proposed compromise and said: “The exit ticket from prison for Netanyahu also includes the sale of the basic values of the people’s army. If Bibi’s deal with the chareidi parties will pass, anyone with a child who needs to join the army knows that some of their children do not have to enlist because Bibi needs immunity from Litzman and Deri. Lieberman, did not you promise not to change any letter in the draft law? ”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. More punting. Doesn’t even provide a long term solution for yeshiva students, and makes no attempt to resolve the problem of those refusing to serve in the army on grounds of halachic opposition to zionism. The only solution that will be acceptable to most hareidim and most hilonim is to abolish conscription.

  2. A typical ugly and hypocritical political deal for Netanyahu. Why not just say there are no principles in politics and I’d throw my wife and son under the proverbial bus to form a coalition and stay out of jail. There are no limits and no longer may any pretense we stand on a thread of principle. Anyone who doesn’t want to go into the army just claims he is a shteiger and some other bochur will have to bear the burden (along with his own).

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