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Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah 79:1): “Human flesh is prohibited by the Torah, but there are some who maintain that human flesh is not prohibited by the Torah.”

In Keritot 21b it is explicitly stated that human blood is permissible for eating: “Rav Sheshet said, ‘There is no Mitzvah to refrain from eating the blood of those who walk on two legs, not even a mere stringency’.”

It is prohibited only MiDrabbonons; the Rabbonons permitted sucking blood from one’s finger, but if the blood was separated from the body, e.g. fell on food it is prohibited, lest it be confused with animal blood.

See more about this issue in Sh”t Rashbesh, section 518.

These DiRabbonon prohibition)s do NOT apply to goyim.