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Likud Warns of the Dangers of Olmert Remaining in Office

The Likud opposition party on Wednesday released a statement warning “there is no limit” to the number of concessions Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is willing to make to remain in office and his political survival.

Earlier, Likud MK Dr. Yuval Shteinitz, a former chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee stated that not only would concessions regarding the Golan Heights be an unprecedented compromise regarding Israel’s future security, it would be disastrous regarding water supplies.

MK (NRP-NU) Effie Eitam, a resident of a Golan Heights community and a retired IDF brigadier-general stated Olmert is willing to go to all lengths to show his constituents some political achievement, no matter how costly to the nation.

MK Marina Solodkin and Ze’ev Elkin, both of Olmert’s Kadima Party came out publicly against concessions involving the Golan Heights too.

On the other side of the political spectrum, former Meretz Party leader MK Dr. Yossi Beilin called on the prime minister to enter into intensive talks with the Syrians, stating an agreement with Damascus is the key to major regional peace efforts.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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