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Smotrich Accuses Netanyahu Of Additional Concessions To Imprisoned Hamas Terrorists

According to the reports, negotiations are under way for a lull between Prime Minister Netanyahu and the threat of Hamas prisoners to a total hunger strike. In response, MK Bezalel Smotrich said, “Tell me more about Netanyahu being a strong right,” he twitted.

The chairman of Ichud Leumi called the negotiations with Hamas prisoners “absurd” and said that “this is the breaking of another record of surrender and weakness. How much longer can Israeli deterrence be eroded? Let them remain hungry as much as they want, to the point of death, without force and without shoes.”

Smotrich called on Netanyahu to “stop talking to the terrorists in prison.”

According to the understandings with the prisoners, the Israel Prison Authority (IPA) will remove the cell phones and install public telephones for the prisoners’ use, while the rest of their demands will be renewed only after the elections in Israel.

In terms of the IPA, a hunger strike is defined as such only after the refusal of six meals by the prisoners, and then the prison guards can take sanctions against them, such as removing electrical appliances from the cells to the transfer of prisoners between prisons and the entry of prisoners to solitary confinement. It is reported that they are prepared for every scenario, and that the deployment began several weeks ago following the wave of violent incidents of the terrorists, including two stabbings, arson and riots.

In a related matter, the above tweet is an election video from Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beitenu party, showing the absurd, how Hamas and other imprisoned terrorists have cell phones and are educated and receive degrees while in Israeli prisons. Lieberman vows that after elections, he will work to eliminate the phones and the “absurd” that terrorists can and are released early on good behavior.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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