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Haniyah Says Ceasefire Must be All Inclusive

Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah on Wednesday announced the ceasefire proposal for a temporary cessation of fighting in Gaza is not sufficient, stating it must also include a cessation of IDF operations in Yehuda and Shomron.

Haniyah echoed remarks made earlier in the week in Damascus by Hamas leader Khaled Meshal, that the terror organization is willing to recognize Israel in exchange for a withdrawal to the pre-June 1967 boundaries, with Jerusalem serving as the capital of a Palestinian state, and the right of so-called Palestinian refugees to return.

Meshal added that even if Israel agrees with all this, the recognition of Israel’s right to exist would be left to the people, in a referendum, as is the accepted practice under democratic rule.

On Thursday, Hamas is expected to give its official response to the Egyptian initiative for a ceasefire in Gaza.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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