Reply To: Stealing the Afikomon

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We are talking about stolen matzah, and you claim that “every major acharon except the Baal Hatanya poskens that mitzvah habah b’averah is still yotzi b’dieved” ?!

Are you saying that every major posek argues with the gemara that says explicitly that you can’t be yoteh with stolen matzah?

And every major posek does not include the Shulchan Aruch with explicitly state s that you can’t be yotzeh with stolen matzah (s. 454, ss. 4?

And you don’t consider the Mishna Brura a mjor posek that concurs with this halacha (ibid, s”k 14)?!

And you think that the only one that hold you can’t be yotzeh with stolen matza is the Baal Hatanya (presumably in Rav Shulchan Oruch)?!

You ask me “Did you accidentally out yourself as a Lubavitcher again? “, I mirror back your words slightly paraphrased, Did you accidentally out yourself as an am ha’aretz (which might mean you are the Lubavitcher) again?