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Syrian Report: Israel Agrees to a Retreat from the Golan Heights

golan.jpgAccording to Syrian diplomatic sources, with the assistance of Turkey, Syria and Israel have resolved 85% of the issues on the negotiating table and they sides are now moving into high gear.

Syrian news quoting unnamed “senior Syrian diplomatic sources” on Tuesday stated Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has informed Damascus that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has agreed to a total Israeli withdrawal from the entire Golan Heights in exchange for a comprehensive peace agreement with Syria.

In a BBC Arabic language interview with Syrian Minister Busseina Mualem, according to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, 85% of the issues on the table have indeed been resolved. A major problem is that the Syrian leader is interested in public talks while Jerusalem insists the process must remain out of the public’s eye.

The Syrian minister’s statements jibe with recent remarks released by former US President Jimmy Carter, who following his meetings in Damascus stated al-Assad is genuinely interested in peace and most of the issues between Israel and Syria have been resolved.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

13 Responses

  1. it doent make any sense for israel to give up the golan. miltarialy,economically, and socially its stupid and full of danger.

  2. If Israel gives up the Golan Heights, than they will be committing suicide. It would also indicate that have no brains, and the Gemara states “Rebbi Elazar said, whoever has no common sense ‘Daoh’ it is forbidden to have mercy on him”. The same will apply to the state of Israel as a whole. And I would then suggest that the State of Israel should dissolve itself, a stupid nation has no reason to exist, let all Jews who toiled so hard to set up the settlements move to Denmark or elsewhere.

    Hashem has smitten Israel with blind suicidal leaders. Idiots, in short!!!

  3. I can’t understand why the government thinks that all these concessions will help. It”s plain stupidity.

  4. As someone that fought in the first שלום הגליל war it’s worth it as long as we get true peace and total security!

    May משיח come now until then trade land for peace!

  5. Anybody who blames Israel in this forum is just plain blind. Do u honestly think ISrael will retreat the from the Golan? There hasnt been an attack there in over 20 years. It is the safest place in all of Israel.
    Of course the syrian times reports bogus information,
    Havent u guys learned from the Palestinian propoganda. THis is what they are good at it and this is what they want u guys to believe that Israel is going to give up the land.
    Be realistic!

  6. To iib001 #6 You are not a Tzhalnick. If u were, you as a soldier would never say that.Its worth it for true peace!!! No Israeli soldier is naive,to trust even 1 word of thier’s. ur ether a N.K. or secular disfunctional Jew.

  7. to #3..and what will be done to the thousands of yeshivahs,kollelim, yiddishe kiryes, mattesdorf,belz satmar etc etc etc etc 100reds of thousand yidden shomrei torah,how do you dissolve that?

  8. 8 and 10-

    Until you witness first hand the horror of wars, your friend’s death, limbs being torn off and futures being shattered do not judge me or presume to know what those that died believed in!

    Please refer to the last part of my comment let משיח come and determine our boarders TODAY!

  9. #7: I bet the military “experts” you refer to sit in armchairs, know all the media talk show hosts by name, and have “retired” after their title.

    The IDF officers I talk to still think the Golan Heights is strategically valuable. The laws of physics don’t change with changing technology: a high elevation point is still an advantage for lobbing weapons. But that’s not the most important strategic military value. V’hameivin yavin.

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