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Thousands Attend Kikar Shabbos Anti Chametz Protest

chometz hafganah.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) Over 3,000 chareidi protestors were on hand for a Tuesday evening protest at Jerusalem’s Kikar Shabbos. The protest was organized by the Eida Chareidis.

The protest was called to cry “Shema Yisrael” in response to the recent Jerusalem Municipal Court decision that opened the door for the sale of chametz during Pesach, a move that marks a sharp change of the long-standing religious status quo, an understanding that chametz was forbidden in public locations in the capital.

Among the speakers was the Eida’s Rav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss, who decried the latest decree of the civil judicial system that tramples on Torah Law.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. Israel is NOT a Jewish state. Eretz Yisroel is and always will be.It is G-D’s country. The TRUTH will prevail!

  2. Its not your Chometz. You are not chayav. The Torah does not say you have to worry about someone else’s Chometz. The Torah goes out of its way to say you are NOT responsible. Why are creating a new religion here ?

  3. Tzadik in Peltz,

    Why don’t you read the sign. There is within the religion a chiyuv Macha’ah. [“Tzadik in Peltz” is a honest screen name for you, but it does not justify the new religion YOU are trying to create…)

  4. To No.1:
    I’m suprised at you What about ‘הוכח תוכיח את עמיתך” and “כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה”?

  5. #2 Dont you realize what the protest is all about? We are protesting that a court has made a mockery of the Torah and are doing it with the Hilchos Chometz. Today, it is Chometz, tomorrow, it will be something else.

  6. 2. You are truly a Tzadik in Peltz if you have no concern for your fellow Jews, both the violators and the victims.

    The violators: Regardless of who owns the chometz, it is a Torah law to be mochi’ach another Jew (whom the Torah calls “amisecha”). And if that Jew is violating an obvious Torah law (which, in this case, they are), that hocha’chah is required even if the violator will ignore it.

    The victims: ever hear of chometz she’avar alav haPesach? If a Jew owns chometz on Pesach, I’m not allowed to buy it. So, yes, I do have to worry about someone else’s Chometz. And while the Torah might say I’m not responsible, the Rabbanan say I am.

  7. a gutten moed!

    it’s amazing that so many [even 1 is too many] people are even responding to “tzaddik in peltz”.

    the question always is or should be



    KOL TUV!!!

  8. #2. Kol yisrael areivim zeh lazeh. Remeber what R’ Yisrael Salanter said, that a yid being mechalel shabos in paris, is connected to how we behave

  9. Once again, lets look in the Tnach:
    Al Tochiach Letz Pen Yisnoecha. All these people eating Chometz know its Pesach – and if you are mochiach them – Pen Yisnoecha; which is obviously worse from Mishlei. Lets not rewrite the Torah.

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