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YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 4/22/08

yw_israel31.jpg(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel / 6:55PM IL)


*3 gunmen eliminated near Erez Crossing by IAF & Givati soldier’s gunfire late Monday night, preventing an attack at that area. Terrorists were carrying rockets and machineguns.

*Firebomb attack in Shomron near the Ariel electric power station on Tuesday afternoon. No injuries.

*UN report: Hizbullah gunmen chased UNIFIL forces from southern Lebanon.

*Sufah and Erez Crossings to Gaza opened by Israel on Tuesday to permit humanitarian aid.

*Ben-Ami Kadish, a US citizen, was arrested by US authorities on Tuesday for allegedly passing military secrets to Israel in the 1980s.

*Gaza to respond by Thursday regarding Egyptian proposal for a ceasefire with Israel.


*Shas MK Shlomo Benizri was taken to a hospital on Tuesday after complaining chest pain. He was released from Bikur Cholim Hospital in Jerusalem later in the day, reportedly in good health. Benizri was recently found guilty of bribery and fraud charges.

*Gush Katif residents on Tuesday marked 1,000 days since they are homeless, without permanent homes.

*US Secretary of State Rice: America told Jimmy Carter not to meet with Hamas officials.

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