Reply To: Karpas – is any ha’adoma ok?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Karpas – is any ha’adoma ok? Reply To: Karpas – is any ha’adoma ok?


lacisrmma “Reb. The ArtScroll book Law of Brochos states that Raw onions are a shehakol. The fact that raw onions are put in a salad or even herring just makes it an ikor/tofel issue. How many people do you know who bites into a raw onion to eat it like an apple.”

I guess there are two opinions on this. You cite for shehakol on raw onions – ArtScroll for shehakol.

I will cite for Adama on raw onions:

Shulchan Aruch Harav 205:1 , Seder Birchat Hanenin 6:12; Chok Yaakov on Orech Chaim 475:16; Rabbi Sholomo Gantzfried in Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 52:5.

These respectable sources hold: since it is common to eat raw onions with bread, the onions still have the status of a food item that is normally eaten raw. Therefore the appropriate blessing is Ha’adamah, even when the onions are eaten alone