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Syag – let me explain a bit clearer.

For shaving a man must rely on kulos that are not universally accepted (and even rejected by Chofetz Chaim and many other poskim).

For an abridged hoicha kedusha by mincha (doing away with a complete chazoras haShatz), there “might” be obscure opinions that permit it, but it is certainly considered improper by poskim (including the Bais Yossef that mentions it and rejects it as improper).

But this is considered “the derech” and actually imposed on bochurim in many Litvish yeshivos, not as a b’di’eved, but as the “gold standard” of normative halacha.

Would anyone claim that these many Litvish yeshivos do not keep halacha? NEVER! It would be an absurd claim!!

Yet here we are pointing fingers at Chabad that don’t sleep in a sukah.

Indeed there are opinions that allow sleeping outside the sukah in places that get chilly at night (“mitzta’er”), but Chabad considers this their “derech” , not as a b’di’eved, but as the “gold standard” of normative halacha (just as it is imposed on our bochurim to shave – even against the majority of authorities that prohibit it).

We also point fingers at Chabad that eat coffee and cake before davening shachris.

Indeed there are heterim brough in halacha for someone that is weak or wouldn’t be able to daven properly without first having his coffee and cake…but Chabad considers this their “derech” , not as a b’di’eved, but as the “gold standard” of normative halacha (just as it is imposed in our many Litivsh yeshivos to have a short mincha with a hoicha kedusha even against the majority of authorities that prohibit it).

Here comes the double standard:

Would anyone claim that these many Litvish yeshivos do not keep halacha? NEVER! It would be an absurd claim!! But we openly claim that Chabad does not keep “proper” halacha! We make this absurd claim and do not see the absurdity and perfidy of our words.