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“Ubiquitin, you also have foreign ideas. “Tzedaka” is not equivalent to “charity”. ”
I’m sorry I’m not sure what you are referring to
charity is not strictly defined as giving money and even if it is I’m not sure if you are arguing with something I said OR just sharing a interesting factoid.

could you please elaborate?

“I did not find who says that government should not legislate morality ”
I said it a few times, thats my view. I should clarify though, what I mean by “morality” is really religious based morality.

“but in fact almost all laws involve legislating morality. Laws that punish theft, fraud, etc. all legislate morality”
Those should be laws because as a society we are better off if we all don’t steal and kill. .that is why stealing should be illegal and punished not because Judaism or lehavdil any religion says so.

I believe adultery is immoral, I dont think many here (besides Joseph) believes the US government should legislate adultery (even though that certainly is one of the Sheva mitzvos, while abortion is debatable) while a terrible act and which Ibeleive they will be punished forI dont think the government should be in charge of that