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Again, Lit, your not disputing my point. You’re simply discussing to what extent it occurred, not whether it occurred.
Nowhere did I state that there weren’t other Oberlanders who moved towards the Litvish/Yeshivish world.
So tell me, Lit, between those that moved towards Chasidism and those that moved towards the Litvish world, how many are left — especially among the younger generation — that retain the original purely Oberland hashkafa? You know, their havara (which was similar to the Chasidims), Nusach Ashkenaz (like the Litvish) and their other aspects and minhagim.
You could say the same about the Yekkes too, btw. Instead of moving towards Chasidism and to a lesser extent Litvishism like the Oberlanders, the Yekkes mostly melted into the Litvish/Yeshivish world while another contingent (smaller than the former) melted into the MO world. Yes, those that melted away oftentimes still hold on to some shrayim of Yekkishkeit, like wearing a Talis starting by their Bar Mitzvah.
And then there’s the few left over who still stick with the original Yekke/RSRH/Breuer’s minhagim/kehilla.
And like your complaint that the current Vienner Rov made Vien too Chasidish, there are those in Khal Adas Jeshurun who complain that Rav Shimon Schwab zt’l made KAJ too Yeshivish/Litvish.