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Jerusalem: Increase in Arab Arson Terrorism

arsonArson has become a regular weapon in the Arab struggle against Israel. Jerusalem firefighters this year report a sharp increase in the number of blazes attributed to Arab arson attacks. Two favorite spots for arson attacks are the Armon HaNatziv Promenade in the southeastern capital and the IDF Ofarit Base in the Mount Scopus area, near Issawiya in the northeastern capital.

Last week, firefighters were summoned a number of times to extinguish a blaze between Issawiya and Ofarit, and while working the fire they were targeted with rocks and bricks thrown by Arabs. Firefighters were summoned 13 times since the beginning of May 2013 for fires in the first near Jabil Mukhaber near Abu Tor.

A similar situation exists in the northern capital, where firefighters last week were summoned numerous times for fires between Pisgat Ze’ev and Anata. Firebombs were the cause of the fires and firefighters were attacked with rocks while working the fire.

Police are working with the fire department to address the alarming situation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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