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VAT Increase Pushed Off to Prevent Chilul Shabbos

shabbosThe increase of value added tax in Israel from 17 to 18% has been pushed off to prevent chilul Shabbos. The changeover will take place on motzei Shabbos, basically Sunday, June 2, 2013 instead of on Friday night, June 1st as was planned.

The changeover on a Friday night would have resulted in many stores being mechalel Shabbos as they reprogrammed computers and pricing labels in line with the 1% increase.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. The logic of the delay in the increase in VAT being delayed escapes me. So instead, all the chilonim will be running to the shops on Shabbat to make purchases before the rate is increased. It should all have happened mid week.

  2. Gee, I wonder why a medina that so many here claim is looking to uproot Torah, would be concerned about chillul Shabbos?

    For that matter, no one ever answered my question about why the IDF has REGULATIONS regarding kashrus, chometz etc? Violating them can lead to court-martial, btw, as my brother proved by having a career officer booted out of the army for doing exactly that.

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