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MKs Uninterested in Captive Soldiers’ Seder

Not a single of the 120 Members of Knesset have indicated they would be joining in a Seder being held outside the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem.

The event is being sponsored by the families of three captive soldiers, Eldad Regev, Ehud Goldwasser and Gilad Shalit.

Organizers explain the event will be a protest as well as a most symbolic gesture, remembering the prisoners who will be spending their second Pesach in captivity.

They are calling on the government to do more, and they have invited all MKs and ministers, but now report not a single one has signaled plans of attending.

Israelis and Jews worldwide are asked to set an empty place to increase awareness to the soldiers’ plight, and some families will also pour a cup of wine for the soldiers.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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