Reply To: Halachically okay to be liberal?

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Avram in MD

Fake Yeshiva Bachur,

“Is it possible that it’s against halacha to consider yourself a liberal, or to vote liberal? As we know, liberals are EXTREMELY pro-abortion, which is against halacha.”

Democratic voters skew more pro life than the elected officials. Unfortunately, pro life Democratic elected officials face double trouble: getting challenged on the left in primaries, and getting challenged on the right by Republicans in general elections. But some exist. There is even an advocacy group, Democrats for Life of America.

Both political parties are essentially conglomerations of special interest groups, and neither one is the voice of the Jewish people or the Torah. I think putting all of your eggs into just one basket is unwise, and it closes down opportunities. For example, the majority of elective abortions are done because of economic stress. Solutions that attack this financial insecurity will save more babies than base-riling rhetoric, tilting at policy windmills, and making abortion a wedge issue to get elected. With some flexibility, so-called “liberal” goals can be harnessed to aid pro life goals.