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So the “Avi HaYeshivos” Reb Chaim of Volozhim, broke away from the mesorah of Lita and started a new derech?! Was part of this new derech to mock chassidim (because I heard Reb Chaim of Volozhim actually admired and was friends with Chabad Rebbes – to the point that after he discussed the topic with them, he stopped sleeping a sukkah himself)! My confusion is, the Gra had this cherem on chassidim – I get that. But Reb Chaim was close to Chabad. So when di the Litvish of today took some of the Gra cherem, but accepted Reb Chaim’s derech and the New Litvish way, while accepting all other chassidim (the Litvish yeshivos are filled with them) but kept the hatred to Chabad? It is so confusing and mixed up?!