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If the halacha is 诪爪讜讜转 讗讬谞谉 爪专讬讻讬诐 讻讜讜谞讛 讻砖讬砖 讛谞讗讛 诇讙讜祝 then why do we say before we eat the yummy food on shabbos “L’kovod shabbos kodesh”? Also, many people do not enjoy the drinking itself (it tastes awful!0 but only enjoy the effect. So there is no 讛谞讗讛 诇讙讜祝 in the drinking which some claim is the asiyas ma’aseh hamitzvah when you drink the awful bitter scotch as avodas hashem, …and by the time you are drunk,which is the kiyum hamitzva, you no longer have kavanah or conscious of the 讛谞讗讛 诇讙讜祝 in your intoxicated state of shikrus. The lomdos is complex. Reb Fietel Fligelfees said a shiyur last purim but half way through the Rosh Yeshiva Reb Getzel Hakachinik shlogged him up or maybe simply threw up. The yeshiva was left with a groiseh tzorich iyun and a mop up job.