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Yad Ephraim Hard At Work In Boro Park

yad efrayim.jpgPesach is almost upon us and we are all busy preparing our homes for the upcoming Yom Tov.  But what about those who can’t make even the most preliminary preparations, and not for lack of funds?! Yes, while we are stressed on account of the preparations, there are those who are under tremendous pressure because their days, nights, Shabbosim and Yomim Tovim are spent at the bedside of a loved one who is in the hospital.

Enter Ezras Cholim Yad Ephraim!

Yad Ephraim’s Pesach preparations commenced a few weeks ago with the kashering of the Yad Ephraim kitchen and ovens.  As with all things Yad Ephraim, the most stringent levels of kashrus were maintained during this arduous process.  As for the food itself, Yad Ephraim volunteers are hard at work ensuring that no detail is overlooked and that no meal will be incomplete.  From the erev Pesach CHAMATZDIGEH Shabbos meals to the very last meal on Achron Shel Pesach, every meal will be replete with delicious food appropriate for that meal.  Of course, all Yad Ephraim’s Pesachdigeh food is non-gebrokts, and is prepared according to the most chumrahdigeh levels possible.

As with every Shabbos and Yom Tov, Yad Ephraim volunteers will be in Maimonides Medical Center and in the Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Center to distribute specially wrapped meals each and every night/day of Pesach, including Shabbos Hagadol and Chol Hamoed.  For the sedarim, the volunteers will also have karos and special bechers for the arbah kosos.  As mentioned above, no detail is overlooked by these stupendous volunteers.

At this time, Ezras Cholim would like to thank the following for their generous participation: Weiss Kitchen, Avrumi Kaufman (Royal Fruits), Hagadah, Mehadrin Dairy, and Mendy Rosenberg.  An extra special note of gratitude to Reb Yecheskel Kauftheil (Mishkon Yechezkel) for his unwavering support in every facet of Yad Ephraim.

May each and every volunteer, donor, recipient, and member of Klal Yisroel be blessed with a kosher and happy Pesach, and may we all be zocheh to open our doors to Moshiach bimheyrah b’yameynu.

(Article submitted by Yad Ephraim)

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