Reply To: In the Purim Spirit: Women are required to Ad dlo yada 😂🤣😂🤣

Home Forums Controversial Topics In the Purim Spirit: Women are required to Ad dlo yada 😂🤣😂🤣 Reply To: In the Purim Spirit: Women are required to Ad dlo yada 😂🤣😂🤣


Reb – Your constant comparison between the chiyyuvim of Daled Kosos and of Ad D’lo Yada is quite clearly misguided. The mitzva of Daled Kosos, along with the other mitzvos during the seder, is to commemorate Yetzias Mitzraim. If anyone were to become slightly intoxicated as a byproduct of fulfilling this mitzva ( which, in my experience, is incredibly rare) it would be simply that, a byproduct. To suggest that the chachamim should patur women from participating in a mitzva in which the kiyyum is the through DRINKING not the INTOXICATION is preposterous. It is very easy to drink the daled kosos and not be intoxicated at all (drinking a very low percentage wine or maybe being makel for the shittos which allow grape juice.
The mitzva of Ad Delo Yada is the intoxication itself. Yes, women are also included in the obligations of the day Purim but for them to become heavily intoxicated to the point of Ad Delo Yada would be a gross violation of a women’s tafkid to be tzanua and an explicit divergence from hashkafas HaTora. Kol kvuda bas melech pnimah