Reply To: Why don’t we go like the Slabodka mehalech in regards to clothes?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Why don’t we go like the Slabodka mehalech in regards to clothes? Reply To: Why don’t we go like the Slabodka mehalech in regards to clothes?


Chassidim are certainly makpid on the mitzva dioraisoh of Elias Shma bizmanah. It’s motzi shem ra to suggest otherwise. I have many chassidish relatives who be aghast at the suggestion that they aren’t makpid on this. Please do your homework. The nefesh hachaim was referring to a small group of people in his time. Inapplicable to the chassidim of our time. Of course there are amhaaratzim in every community that don’t know basic halacha but don’t insinuate that this is acceptable behavior.