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Bennet’s New Right Calls For ‘Integration of Chareidim’ in Party Platform

In regard to the New Right party’s platform pertaining to religion and state, it writes, “regarding all basic matters – Shabbos, marriage, parity in Israel, conversion, kashrus and more, the Gavison-Medan Covenant will serve as the starting point for the parliamentary discussions, and immediately after the elections, the party will work to establish a public committee that will seek to reach a broad consensus on these subjects.”

Integration of chareidim
As for the integration of chareidim, the platform states: “We want to integrate this public into all areas of the country: in economics, in academia, in public service, in the IDF and in the national-civil service. We will work to constantly improve the quality of chareidi education and to provide tools of science and language for graduates of this system.

“We will work to establish a special ministerial committee to integrate chareidim, in order to remove obstacles and advance the required processes, and the integration of this community is one of the most significant goals facing Israeli society.”

Annexing Yehuda and Shomron
In the party’s platform, Naftali Bennet and Ayelet Shaked called for the Israeli annexation of areas ‘C’ in Yehuda and Shomron, as was done in the Golan Heights and Jordan Valley; making those areas an integral portion of the State of Israel. According to the Oslo Accords, an area ‘C’ designation pertains to those areas under exclusive Israeli security and civil control.

Arab residents of areas ‘C’ would be granted Israeli citizenship as part of the annexation.

No additional prison releases or land giveaways
The party commits to not returning to the policy of releasing terrorists imprisoned in Israel, refrain from giving away land but rather focusing on major construction throughout Yehuda and Shomron, as well as neighborhoods of Jerusalem viewed as “occupied” by the international communities. The latter includes Har Choma, Gilo, Givat HaMatos, Pisgat Ze’ev and the City of David. The New Right wishes to see significant construction in those areas of the capital in addition to Yehuda and Shomron.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Integration of Chareidim? Rings of “get them out of the ghettos” which the Jews were proudly and humbly living in because the outside world was just so horrible.

    And as if nobody is working… this is classical anti-Semitism with a new twist for the generation.

  2. “improve the chareidy education…” What does that mean?
    Sorry Bennet; chareidim are fine without your interference!

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